Post by Meg1 on Dec 6, 2009 0:46:44 GMT -5
After taking the pain killers, Lem lays back on the bed more clam. He looks down to see a paper on the bed near the chocolates. He reads it.
'dear Neera my dearest dudette, please be mine! I do know you love me..please..be mine dudette! totally, Glar xoxo peace'
Lem's eyes widen and he rips the note up and throws it cross the room.
Post by disneyfangirl on Dec 6, 2009 0:51:18 GMT -5
Chuck cover his face in embarassment in one hand. It was stupid of Skiff to be thinking that a guy like him would be in love with Neera, but the truth was he had more deeper feelings for Lem instead. But he did say alien without mentioning a name, so he decided to play along with this, just until that he was ready to tell Lem how he was really feeling.
"You swear that you won't tell ANYONE about this? Not even Lem?" Chuck demanded, pointing his finger at Skiff's face.
Post by RainbowDashfan on Dec 6, 2009 0:53:58 GMT -5
"Oh don't worry Chuck your secret's safe with me. " Skiff said with a unconvincing smirk.
Eckle saw Lem throw the letter across the room.
"Uh oh that isn't a good sign" Eckle said.
Post by Meg1 on Dec 6, 2009 0:56:03 GMT -5
"I knew it! I just knew it...I didnt wanna admit it.." Lem says and sighs."I know things are hard right now.. But ..!Why she go running to Glar?He a idoit!!"
Post by disneyfangirl on Dec 6, 2009 0:57:57 GMT -5
"You better have! On my planet, we have our rights to fall in love with whoever we choose to be in love with. Remember kid, I got my eyes on you!" Chuck glared, pointing his fingers to his eyes and back to Skiff to prove that he wasn't kidding around. He was dead on serious about it.
Post by RainbowDashfan on Dec 6, 2009 1:02:30 GMT -5
"Well on my planet there's a thing called respect. You and Lem are supposed to be best friends and what you're doing is falling in love with his girl while they were still dating. I don't know how things go on your planet but on my planet there's a unwritten book of friendship and the first rule is "You don't fall in love with the girlfriend of your best friend" That's just not cool." Skiff said.
Post by Meg1 on Dec 6, 2009 1:08:16 GMT -5
Lem bites his lips and looks down. He was trying fight back tears. The pain killers were makeing him feel emotional and with whole Neera and Glar thing. Lem felt like his world was falling apart and there was no one there to catch him as he fell.
Post by disneyfangirl on Dec 6, 2009 1:13:05 GMT -5
"Hey hey hey! We have respect on my planet too, and you heard Lem! His relationship is falling down to pieces with this girl! What if they don't love each other anymore? And then what? Huh?" Chuck pointed out to make it try to sound a little bit obvious to stump Skiff.
Post by RainbowDashfan on Dec 6, 2009 7:09:41 GMT -5
"Well it's obvious that Lem loves her. But, keeping this from Lem is still a bad thing to do. A good friend would tell Lem what's going on. I know I would have if I loved Neera. You can do what you want Chuck but like it or not Lem is finding out what's really goin on." Skiff said.
Post by Meg1 on Dec 6, 2009 19:04:34 GMT -5
Lem sighs and lays his head back in his pillows trying to fall to sleep. All he wanted was to be happy , that Neera and him were okay..He had feeling its going be hard road ahead. What he didnt see was there someone else out there for him could make him whole lot happier then Neera ever could.
Post by disneyfangirl on Dec 6, 2009 22:25:43 GMT -5
Chuck had had enough words speaking to Skiff and left the bathroom. Later after those couple of days have past, the hopistal had finally release Lem out. And with Chuck having no where else to go to with being stuck on their planet, he choose to stay at Lem's house just until the damange from his spaceship was fixed. He stay behind at the house that day while Lem and the others were at school.
Post by Meg1 on Dec 6, 2009 22:30:18 GMT -5
Lem still weak because he still healing but he better then he has been in few days. Lem holds his side as he walks down the hall way of the school. He didnt care if anyone look at him, he just wanted get this day over with.
Post by disneyfangirl on Dec 6, 2009 22:32:27 GMT -5
Neera was standing outside of one of her classrooms, waiting for the teacher to come and get ready to teach the class. She sat there on the floor next to the door with a notepad and a pencil in her hands coming up for some brand new songs to write for in her band.
Post by Meg1 on Dec 6, 2009 22:35:54 GMT -5
Lem walking up the hall and comes closer to where Neera is waiting. He wanted to talk to her but wasnt sure how to start. He walks over and says shyly " Hey..".
Post by disneyfangirl on Dec 6, 2009 22:38:42 GMT -5
Neera stop doing her busy songwriting work when Lem show up to the side with his shy little welcome for her. "Oh...hi Lem. H-how's the scar?" She asked him from notcing that he was still holding onto his side where the pain was.