Post by Meg1 on Aug 9, 2011 17:02:36 GMT -5
Sarah Bennet Age 14( Whatevery age Landon and Lil are in the rp lol) Species : Humen Description She short and small. Dont let that fool you, she strong and tough. She has firey red hair that goes to her ears. Light brown eyes. Personality Witty, smart, brave, kind. How is related to the storyline they go with: Landon's love interested. She loves him just much as he loves her. Rp example
"Come on Just admit it!" Sarah sneers as she had Landon pin to the floor.
"No never" Landon mutters to her.
"Come on now. You may be Prat and Royal one at that. Least you know when admit someone has beaten you...Even if its Girl"Sarah states.
" Okay, Okay you beat me" Landon tells her. He takes breath when she lets him go. Picture (if you can provide it) Other: She from small village on island. She filly train warrior. She could knock Landon off his feet but he wont admit to that lol.
Post by FaPingMulan on Aug 9, 2011 19:35:46 GMT -5
Landon's got a girlfriend? yay!
Accepted ^.^